Function of food additives
Column:Company news   Release Time:2021-03-12

Main role:

Food additives greatly promote the development of food industry and are known as the soul of modern food industry. This is mainly because it brings many benefits to the food industry, and its main functions are as follows:

Food additives to prevent deterioration

For example, preservatives can prevent food corruption and deterioration caused by microorganisms, prolong the preservation period of food, and also prevent food poisoning caused by microbial pollution. For example, antioxidants can prevent or delay the oxidation and deterioration of food, to provide food stability and storage resistance, and also prevent the formation of potentially harmful oil and fat autooxidation substances. In addition, it can be used to prevent enzymatic browning and non enzymatic browning of food, especially fruits and vegetables. These are of great significance to the preservation of food.

Food additives improve sensory

Improve food sensory properties

The proper use of colorants, color protectors, bleachs, edible spices, emulsifiers, thickeners and other food additives can significantly improve the sensory quality of food and meet the different needs of people.

Food additives keep nutrition

Keep improving nutritional value

It is of great significance to prevent malnutrition and lack of nutrition, promote the balance of nutrition and improve people's health level.

Food additives are easy to supply

Increase variety and convenience

There are more than 20000 kinds of food available for consumers to choose from in the market. Although most of these foods are produced by certain packaging and different processing methods, in the production project, some products with all colors, fragrance and taste are mostly added with coloring, flavor, seasoning and other food additives to different degrees. It is these many foods, especially the convenience of food supply, to people's life and work to bring great convenience.

Food additives are easy to process

Convenient food processing

It is helpful to use defoamer, filter aid, stability and coagulant in food processing. For example, when δ lactone gluconate is used as the coagulant of tofu, it can be beneficial to the mechanization and automation of tofu production.