How to break the "chip" of Shandong agriculture?
Column:Company news   Release Time:2021-01-19

■The editor opens a new bureau according to the new year. 2021 is the first year of the 14th five year plan and the beginning of a new journey to build a modern socialist country in an all-round way. Shandong also starts a new journey to build a strong modern Province in a new era. Standing at a new starting point, how to take a good first step and take a good new journey? This newspaper launched the report of "opening a new Bureau in the new year" today, focusing on the "seven leading" and "nine strong provincial breakthroughs" determined by the provincial Party committee, interviewing heads of relevant departments, entrepreneurs, experts and scholars, focusing on the key points and breakthrough points of economic work, and observing and thinking. Please pay attention.

◆This year, the Provincial Department of science and technology will reform the organization mode and implementation path of the provincial agricultural improved seed project, overcome the problem of "fragmentation" of the project, integrate the province's advantageous innovative resources, form a large team, carry out large-scale cooperation, and carry out large-scale tackling

◆Experts suggest increasing support for variety cultivation projects, increasing incentives for breakthrough new varieties, and giving appropriate incentives in awarding awards, project funding support, and Talent Awards

Seed industry is a strategic and basic core industry in China, which is the basis of ensuring national food security and ecological security. Fine varieties are the core elements of promoting high-quality and green development of agriculture. "Solving the problem of seeds and cultivated land" has been listed as one of the eight key tasks of China's economic work this year. The central economic work conference put forward that we should carry out the "neck sticking" technology of seed sources, and aim to fight a seed industry turnaround. Shandong is a big agricultural province. The provincial Party committee economic work conference proposed to implement the seed project.

"The seed industry is the" chip "of agriculture. We must increase the efforts to tackle key problems of seed source" neck sticking "technology, and make the modern seed industry bigger and stronger." Li Baidong, director of the rural science and Technology Department of the provincial science and Technology Department, said. In recent years, Shandong has persistently implemented the provincial agricultural improved variety project, conquered a series of major key breeding technologies, such as wheat stripe rust resistance cloning, melon genome wide variation map construction, scallop genome wide selection, etc., cultivated 305 new crop varieties approved by the state and 1844 new crop varieties approved by the province, and obtained more than 400 major scientific and technological achievements with variety innovation as the core.

Seed industry innovation has the characteristics of foundation, public welfare, sustainability, large investment and long R & D cycle. Li Baidong said that according to the current situation of seed industry development in Shandong Province and following the law of innovation, this year the Provincial Department of science and technology will reform the organization mode and implementation path of the provincial agricultural improved seed project, overcome the "fragmentation" problem of the project, focus on major events, take enterprises as the main body of innovation, adhere to the integrated allocation of "talents, projects, bases and funds", integrate the province's advantageous innovation resources, and form a large team To carry out large-scale cooperation and tackle key problems. Focusing on the accurate identification and innovative utilization of germplasm resources, genetic engineering breeding technology, and the cultivation of breakthrough agricultural new varieties (lines), we should make full use of biological breeding and modern information technology to strengthen the "neck" technology of provenance.

Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences is an important force of seed industry innovation in our province. It has bred a number of breakthrough new varieties with important influence in the whole country, such as "Gongxun wheat" variety "Jimai 22", high yield, high quality and wide adaptability soybean new variety "Qihuang 34", high quality grain and feed dual-purpose corn new variety "Ludan 9088", high oleic acid peanut new variety "Huayu 51", mutton sheep new variety "Luxi black sheep" Some of the new varieties have become the largest in a certain field in China, some have set a national high-yield record, and some have successfully reversed the long-term dependence on imports of a certain variety. Zhang Liming, vice president of the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences, said that during the "fourteenth five year plan" period, the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences will, in accordance with the major needs of the agricultural industry, accelerate the improvement of key breeding technologies and variety innovation ability of the biological seed industry, and carry out the research and exploration of science and technology to support the cultivation of new agricultural varieties.

Zhang Liming suggested that we should focus on the implementation of seed engineering action around the main crops and livestock and poultry varieties in our province, highlight the leading role of advantageous breeding units in the province, and build a collaborative innovation system for joint tackling key problems. At the same time, we should increase the investment in new variety cultivation, increase the support for variety cultivation projects, increase the incentive for breakthrough new varieties, and give appropriate preference to award, project funding support and talent award.

Agricultural germplasm resources are strategic resources to ensure national food security and supply of important agricultural products, and are the material basis for the original innovation of agricultural science and technology and the development of modern seed industry. "Through character identification and gene mining of germplasm resources, it can effectively promote the breeding of new crop varieties and seed industry innovation." Jiang Qinggong, director of the provincial seed management station, said that last year, our province launched the third National Census and collection of crop germplasm resources, and carried out the census and collection of germplasm resources in 133 agricultural counties (cities and districts) in the province. Now more than 4000 crop germplasm resources have been collected, and the work progress is at the forefront of the country. Many special and rare resources have been found, such as Jiaozhou wild cowpea Bean, Chiping ten hole lotus root, etc.

However, in the protection and utilization of germplasm resources, there are still some problems, such as imperfect seed protection system and identification facilities, weak basic research, lag of systematic identification and deep mining, low efficiency of sharing and utilization. Jiang Qinggong said that the next step will be to fully implement the "medium and long term development plan for the protection and utilization of agricultural germplasm resources in Shandong Province (2020-2035)", strengthen the construction of germplasm resources protection areas (Libraries and nurseries), strengthen the census, collection, registration, storage, identification, evaluation and sharing of germplasm resources, and provide scientific and technological innovation, sustainable development of production and construction of a strong seed industry province in Shandong Province Support.

"Based on Germplasm and guided by scientific research, the company's annual R & D investment exceeds 10% of its revenue. Nearly 30 national and provincial maize varieties have been bred, including "Tiantai", "BANGYU" and "Zhongtian" series, with a total promotion area of over 200 million mu in more than 10 provinces in China, and an income increase of over 20 billion yuan. " Liu Ning, general manager of Shandong Zhongnong Tiantai Seed Industry Co., Ltd., said that the rapid development of Tiantai seed industry is based on the germplasm resource bank established by the enterprise, which has stored more than 50000 crop germplasm resources from different regions of the world.

"We can carry out 'design breeding' according to the market demand, and develop more targeted and characteristic excellent varieties." Liu Ning said that Tiantai seed industry has undertaken the breeding project of new summer maize varieties with high density tolerance, stress resistance and suitable mechanization in Huang Huai Hai region. In view of the frequent natural disasters in Huang Huai Hai region all year round, the breeding scheme has been purposefully designed. The "Zhongtian 308" developed by Tiantai seed industry has passed the examination and approval of the state (Huang Huai Hai District) and is being demonstrated and popularized.