What is natural health food
Column:Industry news   Release Time:2020-12-01

According to the report of food preservative manufacturers, with the increasing purchasing power and health awareness of consumers in China, natural health food is sought after by many people, and the market scale is also expanding. What is natural health food? What's the future of this industry?

What is natural health food? It mainly refers to the use of natural ingredients made of packaged food, does not contain any artificial or chemical synthesis of food additives, and contains beneficial nutrients, can help consumers maintain or restore a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet.

Why natural health food has a bright future? First, with the continuous improvement of national health awareness, consumers pay more and more attention to personal health, and prefer to choose healthy natural food, many consumers attach great importance to the expenditure on natural health food; second, China's aging population. Data show that the proportion of people over 65 years old has increased from 9.7% in 2013 to 11.3% in 2017, and is expected to reach 13.4% of the total population by 2022. As the elderly people generally prefer natural health foods such as cereals and Lycium barbarum, they are expected to become the main consumer groups of natural health foods, and their high consumption capacity will promote the development of natural health food market; third, with the promotion and support of the government, the Chinese government has issued a series of policies and regulations to promote the standardization and development of natural health food industry, and various policies and regulations It will promote the development of natural health food industry in China.

"When I was a child, when I heard the selling of sesame paste, I couldn't sit any more A strong fragrance, a wisp of warmth... " A warm advertising slogan once influenced the childhood of our whole generation and became a symbol of natural and healthy food in that era. However, in recent years, this product may not be as popular as that year. I think the important reason is the aging of brand image, so product upgrading is the first choice. It is expected that this product will be successful and the scenery will reappear.

It is undeniable that in recent years, with the weakening of supermarkets, product competition and the decline of brand concentration, natural health food enterprises have been impacted. In addition, consumers do not recognize some products, and even have some doubts about the quality of products. Therefore, natural health food enterprises must be good products that people can eat safely, and pay more attention to the research and development of safe and healthy food additives such as calcium propionate, sodium propionate, sodium benzoate and benzoic acid. While doing a good job in brand publicity, we should vigorously layout online sales, and expand or strengthen channels by making use of online and offline mutual integration and brand reputation.